Semeru 8-12 Sept 2011
Semeru..the tallest mountain in Java Island..the place where god and goddess stay..It's a very great experience there...I went there with two of my friends, bang coco and bang amin..Started from cikarang, then went to senen station to get a train..we didnt get seat..ahh awful..a train without a seat for 18 hours..then we arrived at Malang but we still had to wait bang amin becoz he departed from banjarmasin..Here's the
Wednesday-Thursday 7-8 September
14.00-08.00: matarmaja train form senen till malang
09.00-10.00: chartered angkot to Tumpang Rp 80000
10.00-15.15: waiting for bang amin
15.15-18.00: off to ranupane basecamp using jeep Rp 450000
Friday 9 September
Ok..we've met new friends..bang rohim, mbak yana and his husband bang davis..they are from central java, and 3 more people..
08.15-12.00: basecamp to ranu kumbolo..we took rest here and ate, it's a very beautiful lake..oyaa..I carried 80L carrier with tent inside for a while..ahh it's killing me ahahah..hmm the condition of the track is sloping and it's kindda boring..
14.45-15.45: tracking at tanjakan cinta..weww ahahha..then passing oro oro rombo and reach cemoro kandang..
15.45-19.00: reached Kalimati and took a rest. We could see mount semeru alrdy coz from the camp till near kalimati, we couldnt see semeru..what made me shock was i thought that the sandy part is maybe only near the only a forth from the peak but wat the hell it's from the the hard part began..
Saturday 10 September
01.00-02.00: Kalimati to arcopodo. The track start ascend and here is the vegetation border..sandy area...we step two, we go back's tiring...when it's dark, i thought the peak was almost there..but..when the sun came up..omG it's still half way to go..there's no water becoz the water was brought by someone else..i was lazy to go up again plus i didnt have energy left...then 2 people went down and i followed was 7 alrdy..then, i almost went down to the wrong side..they said if i continue more and more i could fall to the ravine..luckily that person bang boncel told me so i must cross to the other side..the we took rest..
17.00-23.00:rushed to basecamp....
hmmphhh was only me and bang coco becoz bang amin camp a nite in ranukumbolo with that 3 friends..then sunday,,we planned to go down but bang amin came late to basecamp so we were late for the train..we went to surabaya hoping for other alternative..3 hours..crowded..and no seat..then stayed a nite in the station, monday 6 a.m using malabar train to bandung, arrived there 9 p.m..stay a nite in leuwipanjang then next day tuesday..4 a.m using bus to cikarnag..wat a long journey and tiring...huftt..Here are the pics hehe
Green Canyon 16-18 September
Planned to visit here although should go alone but luckily my senior had a plan to visit there 18 people off to green canyon..! yay...we did body rafting. wat made it fun is the was really beautiful..gonna let u see the pics hehe..then we visit pantai batu karas, batu hiu, pangandaran to the cagar alamm hehe..
Sindoro 24-26 September
Hmm...this journey..worst hiking..but it became lessons for us..ther participants were me, chei, nadia, uma, jihad, kak meta, ghea, dimas, satria, alvin, maul, bang coco, bang david, bang ponco, mbak sumi, bang hafiz, bang lelet, bang hasby..the track was ascent from the beginning..we camp almost near the peak..maybe only 10 minutes from the peak..the wind up there is very...wowww!! maybe i could fly becoz of the wind,,the kak metha's condition was not really the morning, we went to summit attack but we woke up late, then we took lots of and ghea got lost in the peak becoz it's really wide...ahaha..for an hour..ckckcc...then we went down, but kak metha's feet was sprain, so we should camp again a nite but there was only 1 and a half bottle left..but thanks to bang cacing, he was like the host there, so he went up and brought some logistics for us..tehre was a scary moment..something followed bang cacing and when i changed seat with bang cacing means i sat beside that something...wew..thanks god nothing happen..on the next day we went down although it took long time becoz kak metha walked hardly. this climbing taught us lots of lessons, we should had a good management, enough logistics, should take care of our friends and don't always depend with others..=)
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