Sri Gethuk Waterfall, The Grand Canyon Of Yogyakarta

Monday, 3 December 2012

Exoticism Grand Canyon in northern Arizona, the United States certainly can not be denied. Grand Canyon is a natural formations such as ravines and steep cliffs are decorated by the flow of the Colorado River. Name Grand Canyon later spoofed into Green Canyon to mention a tourist attraction in West Java are almost identical, the flow of the river that divides the high cliffs. Gunungkidul as areas that are often assumed to be a dry and barren region was also similar to the beauty store, the river that divides the green canyon with a beautiful waterfall that never stops flowing in every season. The waterfall known as the Sri Gethuk Waterfall.

Located in the Village Tourism BleberanSri Gethuk
Waterfall be one tourist spot to be missed. To reach this place you have to take the vehicle through eucalyptus forests owned forest government the road conditions vary from good to bitumen macadam road. Hamlet enters Menggoran, eucalyptus plant teak farm gave way to a meeting. Arriving at the fishing area that also serves as a parking lot, there are two options to reach the waterfall. The first option that is down the path with views of green fields encrusted with coconut palm, while the second option is riding against the flow of Oya River.

The trip to Sri Gethuk Waterfall begins when the sun has not yet risen high. That morning Oya river looks so green and quiet, blend with silence karst cliffs that stand proudly on either side of the river. Sounds raft drove against the flow of the river parted morning silence. As he set the pace of the raft, a guide tells the origin of the name of Sri Gethuk Falls. Based on the story of the people believed, the waterfall is a storage area that is one of kethuk gamelan instruments belonging Jin Anggo Meduro. Therefore, it is called by the name of Sri Gethuk Falls. That said, at certain moments of Hamlet Menggoran society still frequently heard gamelan sound coming from the direction of the waterfall.

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